Is my rooster a Dominique?


7 Years
Jul 31, 2012
Richmond, VA
I was told this handsome fellow is a Dominique. He has a single comb instead of a rose comb. Does anyone have any ideas?


Cannot be a Dom. By breed definition, they cannot be single combed.

The Dominique and Barred Rocks have been criss crossed by lots of folks, and many people believe that hatcheries have also mixed them up. FWIW

Your bird is not a Dominique. He'd pass for a Barred Rock, so better you go with that.
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Cannot be a Dom.  By breed definition, they cannot be single combed.

The Dominique and Barred Rocks have been criss crossed by lots of folks, and many people believe that hatcheries have also mixed them up.  FWIW

Your bird is not a Dominique.  He'd pass for a Barred Rock, so better you go with that. :)

Thanks for the reply Fred! I thought he was probably a barred rock, but went by what his former owner told me.
Hi... I know the feeling, in my part of SC almost every barred breed is one too...

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