Is neosporin with lidocaine okay for dogs?


Hopelessly Addicted
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Southern Oregon
Our older dog tore our puppy's ear up some last night. It's not horrible, but she's wanting to paw at it this am, I'm sure it's sore. I'll be getting her a collar, but wanted to know if topical lido is okay for use in dogs. I was thinking neosporin with lido, or I have burn gel with lido. If not, what oral pain med would be okay--she's a 3 month old Great Dane and 30 lbs.

Thanks so much for your help!
I'd ask a vet not strangers on the internet about what to give a dog as far as pain meds. For topical treatment Blu-Kote is fine for dogs and is what I use whenever my animals get a cut or scrape.
I'd ask a vet not strangers on the internet about what to give a dog as far as pain meds. For topical treatment Blu-Kote is fine for dogs and is what I use whenever my animals get a cut or scrape.
Well thank you, but there are vets and vet students on this board, plus dog breeders with years of experience with. Those were the folks I was looking for, I wasn't going to just randomly take the advice of anyone.

She's doing much better now, so I think we're good.
Neosporin should be fine for her. I will often use that or furazone (I LOVE that stuff). If she keeps scratching at it I would maybe put a cone on her for a few days so she doesn't tear it open again. Otherwise it should heal up fine. Just watch for hematomas. They can be painful and will usually resolve on their own but could leave the ear disfigured. If it hasn't occurred yet, it probably won't but sometimes scratching or shaking of the head (ears hitting into things) can cause them.

If she really seems like she is in pain, you can give her one baby aspirin, but make sure it is not the coated kind. However, I really think she will be fine with a bit of the Neosporin and some time. Also monitor for infection, or abnormally warm skin on or around the ear, which can indicate the start of an infection.
Thank you for the answer!

She's doing okay now, not too distressed by it. I was just really second guessing myself yesterday, and leaving for a medical apt, and kinda stressed, and she was pretty unhappy with it. She only tries to scratch it occasionally, but the funny thing is she's growing so fast she can't get her foot in the right spot, she winds up hitting the ear with her hock instead!

I did buy a cone but never put it on. I guess a good thing about Great Dane puppies is how much they sleep.....she's not messing with it while she sleeps. And that's a lot!

I had a dog get recurrent hematomas in an ear many moons ago--that was pretty nasty.

Watching for infection, she's good so far. Now we're just playing the "Dog Management" game, not letting the two of them be together unsupervised, ever. I just don't think I can trust the older dog.

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