Is Pasty a Pullet or Roo?


8 Years
Mar 19, 2011

This is Pasty ( Yes you read the name right. Guess why she got called Pasty at a young age..ha) She is a 6 wk old Barred Rock. Well I think she is a she...anyone have thoughts on gender?
If she is as dark as the photo looks, I'd say pullet. If you have other BRs to compare, my limited experience has taught me that the roo's black is lighter than the pullets.
Oh I would love for her to be a girl. She is the first to come running when I come to visit. I just love that. My adult girls are like that as well. Love them!
I thought I had a few BR chicks from the feed n seed once, I got a sexlink mixed in the bunch, it was my only cockerel, looked just like that, they keep the darker color longer.

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