Is Sweet PDZ dangerous if my girls eat it?


Oct 8, 2019
Manorville, New York
I was going to switch from pine shavings scattered with Sweet PDZ under my roost bars with just using all Sweet PDZ. I'm afraid of them eating it though. Can anyone tell me their experience and if I should or not?
I would personally be worried that mine would eat it. Could you cover the area under the roosts with wire so the Sweet PDZ falls below and they can't get to it? Also, what breed is the stunning bird in your avatar???? She is GORGEOUS 😍
Are you using the granular PDZ?
All PDZ is is a mineral called zeolite. It's not harmful to ingest a little. They do peck at it but they don't scarf it down.
Inhaling the powder form is a respiratory irritant.
I only use granular PDZ on the boards and scoop them each morning. I've had no issues at all...other than some of the hens thinking it's a fine place to take a dust bath. :rolleyes:
It's a tractor Supply Kit coop, so when they come up the ramp they have to cross the poop tray and roost to get to their nest box, so I would worry about their feet on wire. It is the granular type that I use, so that's a plus and so, I guess knowing it's not harmful in little bits, maybe see how they react to it. Thank you for the compliment on my girl, Lucy. She is a bantam mutt. A neighbors rooster got friendly with some hens that my friend has. Her hens are an assortment of bantam silkies, polish. and others. So unsure of the rooster breed, I can only nail down the Silkie part of her.
By the way, DobieLover, I have a t shirt that reads "Easily distracted By Dogs & Chickens", funny. Also, I have a 13 year old greyhound that has me considering a dobie after she passes. A dobie has has that silly stare and sweetness of the greyhound , but the more intimidating look of a Rottweiler. From what I've read that is how the Doberman originated from the breeding of the two.
By the way, DobieLover, I have a t shirt that reads "Easily distracted By Dogs & Chickens", funny. Also, I have a 13 year old greyhound that has me considering a dobie after she passes. A dobie has has that silly stare and sweetness of the greyhound , but the more intimidating look of a Rottweiler. From what I've read that is how the Doberman originated from the breeding of the two.
The Doberman is generally thought to have originated primarily from the now extinct old German Shepherd and the German Pinscher and refined using the Black and Tan Manchester Terrier and black English Greyhound.
They are great dogs. Bella, the girl in my avatar, is my 6th adopted Dobie. She's pure European and was no longer wanted by her former owner when she could no longer give her puppies. Her loss.

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