Is the price for organic feed right?


10 Years
Dec 8, 2010
Martha's Vineyard MA
I just bought a bag of Organic grower pellets made by Green Mountain feed at my local feed store. I was charged $28 for a 50lb bag. Is that what it cost for you guys? I live on an island were every things price is inflated (regular gas is at $4.49 per gallon), but $28 seems ridiculous. What do you think?
I can get corn and soy based organic for about $18 a 50lb bag and the $28 sound about what corn and soy free feed is with Azure standard.
I pay about $23 and change for Green Mountain grower pellets from the local Agway. We are in NY and I go to CT to get it. It is only a short ride, but with you being in MA it should be cheaper as it comes from VT. Organic feeds will always be costlier. I feel it is worth it with having only six chickens because it lasts a long time.

As a point of info, it is not soy or corn free. Hoping they come out with the soy free soon.

I can tell you when you open the bag it smells rather good. I have even tasted it and it would not be bad for a snack. I tasted Dumor crumbles once and it was plain yuch! Don't know if chickens have the same taste buds but I would think if it tastes good to us they should like it.
I can't afford to buy it because it's $28 a bag. I can't even afford to buy commercial chicken pellets here, they're $21 a bag! I buy whole grains and mix my own, it comes out to about 14 cents a pound.
Actually, organic feed is cheaper at my local feed store. Dunno why.
I am not yet an Oganic feed convert, my biggest drawback being cost, if I had only a few small Banty's or frilly breeds it wouldn't be an issue. But with raising huge Ginosormous pure Cornish and going through 500lbs a week it's not practicle for me. Another factor is Organic feed options, I keep in upwards during hatching and breeding season, 7 different feed barrels used for custom mixing feed depending on what's happening in the many varied Pen's. Another reason is feed store stigma LOL, this is SW Oklahoma where most of our lifelong residence can't spell the word Organic LOL, and most folks hereabouts don't take to any new fangled type feeds. So my feed store owner wouldn't stock it anyway cause these folks won't pay the larger price, even more so now in these economicly challenging times.

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