is there an herbal type route to keep off mites etc


10 Years
May 21, 2009
san diego, cali
I know with dogs, you can put such things as eucalyptis, or lemon oil type spray to keep off fleas etc, is there anything minty? or something like that you can spray around coup or on chickens? someone (sorry just read but dont remember who, just asked about frontline? not that its natural, but wondering) Thanks for any input :)
A lot of people use food grade Diatomaceous Earth, as a preventative for pests.


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Oh my goodness, thanks soooooo much for this thread!!! just what i was looking for! Lots of good ideas that i like. ANd, i do have the DE as well, but im one that is a bit afraid of that getting in they're eyes. Wont hesatate to use that or the 7dust if need be, but i like prevention as first attack :) Thanks again!!

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