Is this a bullseye?


Peepin N' Cheepin
11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Just woundering if this is the bullseye everyone talks about as meaning its fertile. This is a duck egg.

Thanks for that link, Unfortunetly i dont think its fertile
my little drake had better get his job done, cought him yesterday tring to breed a chicken
uhhggg wrong species little duck!
No I already fed it to the dog but I think I was looking in the wrong spot, I was looking at the side by the white stringy stuff, sorry dont know the tech terms. Guess I could just put tomorrows egg in and wait 3 days and see.

Was really hard geting a pic in my house, light is poor and the flash kept messing up the pic.
yeah and last year I lost all my pullets and my last 2 roos kept trying to breed the duck, did not have a drake then, now I have a drake and a duck and roos and hens and yet they still cant get it right! who knows maybe Ill end up with a duck/chicken hybrid...LOL ( i know thats not possible)
I don't see anything looking like a bullseye. It would be ON the yolk or part of the yolk-- a small circle of slightly lighter colored yellow, anywhere on the yolk, with a yellow bullseye/ring in it. You'll know it when you see it.
That is means that the problem is not with him, but rather that the hens are not accepting of him...yet.....

He will get it done.

The best way to tell if an egg is fertile is to incubate for a few days and candle.
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