Is this a Copper Maran Roo?-


9 Years
Mar 11, 2010
Mecca, CA
My Coop
My Coop
He is 14 weeks old

Probably. Looks an awful lot like mine did, except mine are redder. They tend to get redder as they age, on the Marans thread they advised me to wait till at least 6 months old before deciding on my breeder roo based on coloring.


I had one turn out with waaaaay too much red -- pretty obvious
Mine didn't get red till past 18 weeks, the op stated their bird was only 14 weeks old.
The really red one is probably close to 30 weeks in the pic, as I was advised to keep them till 6 months before culling for my breeding program.

Unfortunately my BEST looking roo got attacked by a dog and I had to put him down a few nights ago
So much for my BCM breeding plans (at this time). My birds came from Craigslist, and the guy said they were Davis lines. How pure they are I don't know, but the eggs look good and the birds are large with big legs like Davis birds are known for, so he was probably telling the truth I just don't know how many generations it's been since they were really Davis birds.
Yes, that's a BCM - But don't expect his coloring to turn out good. If he's got that little of coppering at that stage, chances are they won't get much better. I've had plenty of boys like that.
Thanks guys is great to knowthat he is actually a BCM roo even if its not the best quality, I dont breed them for show I just wanna have different colored eggs, and well Im gonna cross this little guy with my EE's to get some olive eggers.
Also this chick started as an all black chick and now well its getting red feathers and like you guys said its probably gonna get even more red feathers as it grows up, I always thought in order for that to happen the black feathers would have to fall off and then he'd get new red feathers, but just now Im finding out that the feathers actually change colors, That is awesome!!!!!

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