is this a cuckoo marans, Dominique, or barred rock rooster?


5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
Livingston, Texas

My wife and I cannot figure out which he is. Help!

He may be a mix, due to the yellow-gold color in the hackle and saddle feather, or they may be from diet.

He's not a Dominique, they have rose combs and he's got a big ol straight comb
I can't see his leg color well enough to tell, but they look yellow in the pic. Rocks have yellow legs, Marans have white. So, I'm thinking Rock, although again he may not be pure bred.
Thanks. He was sold to me as a Dominique but after taking a good look he didn't seem to be. His legs have a yellow tint to them but appear to be white with red on the back. Either way he is "king" around here

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