Is this a Faverolle (or Faverolle/Orpington cross)?


7 Years
Nov 30, 2012
I *think* this chick is a Faverolle/Orpington mix. What do you think?


I am not sure on what breed it is, but it for sure isn't a Faverolle since it doesn't have feathered feet or any sign of a beard. He/she is super duper cute though, and has a lovely lilac/blue color to him/her
The lady we got her from SAID she was a Faverolle. That lady is wrong... and a liar, and practically a theif, 'cause she took our money for a non-Faverolle! The lady called back a couple days ago since we had called her because the chick didn't have 5 toes or feathered feet. She said the chick was a Faverolle/Orpington cross, and she didn't even tell us that it was when we were there! It may or may not be a Faverolle/Orpington because we've been lied to by that lady before...
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