Is this a pullet or a roo rir bantams?


9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
I am sorry for the quality of these pictures but I got what I could and hope someone can help me determine if these are roosters or hens.




I hope maybe I have a hen and a roo but I couldn't really get a great pic and once I got over in the pen and got ahold of one of them I raised up to take it toward the coop and apparently we didn't turn all the nails under like we thought and I jammed the nail right in my back close to my spine. Needless to say I was in to much pain to get anymore pictures. Sorry guys. Maybe I will have some of your thoughts on what these are. Thank you so much....
The smaller one has a tail feather that comes out and curls down I was trying to get a pic of that but after I hurt myself I didn't hang around to catch it. The bigger ones tail feathers does like a pullet but I am new to loving the bantam breeds and I have no clue on the smaller chickens.
I will try and get some better pictures of them here in a little bit. Thank you all!!!
Here are the other pics I just took I caught the other one for a close up pic the only difference in them are their tail feathers. The one that I think might be a hen wouldn't come close enough to grab again and after the incident yesterday with the nail I am not attempting to go back in the pen until my hubby solves the problem.


This is the one that has the long tail feather or two

This is the one I think is the hen

This is also the one I think is the hen it would be the one standing up
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