Is this a pullet or Rooster?????


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
My Plymouth White Rocks are currently 3 weeks today. They were all supposed to be hens but I am doubting this one. He is not as big as the other hens and is not really feathered out. He has a way more noticeable comb on his head as well. I read that some breeds have hens with combs but couldn't really find help with this one.

Does anyone know if they could help?

The top of the "roosters" head. The comb is pinkish with red.

The "rooster"

His comb is VERY noticeable.

This is one of my hens. She doesn't have a noticeable comb but is very big with lots of feathers.

The rooster.

(The rooster is closest) You can see he hasn't really feathered out and isn't all that big.

The "Rooster"

The hen is on the left and "rooster" is on the right.
I would just watch him... It is strange because normally boys grow faster then the girls.
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Thanks! I thought it was unusual that he isn't growing fast. He eats and drinks normally and isn't nasty in ANY way. He is so good and I feel a rooster wouldn't do that??

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