May 23, 2017 #1 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 is this a Rhode Island Red? And also is this a rooster? I'm hoping it's a hen! I am not sure how old this one is. Attachments IMG_3930.JPG 378.2 KB · Views: 47 IMG_3931.JPG 346.8 KB · Views: 20
is this a Rhode Island Red? And also is this a rooster? I'm hoping it's a hen! I am not sure how old this one is.
May 23, 2017 #2 oldhenlikesdogs Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 9 Years Jul 16, 2015 60,100 127,457 1,752 Wisconsin Sure looks like both, RIR, and a young rooster.
May 24, 2017 #3 mymilliefleur Keeper of the Flock 9 Years Nov 4, 2014 6,016 1,870 402 East Tennessee. X2
May 24, 2017 Thread starter #4 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 I have another question. His tail is very weird.its more like hair strands than feathers. Is this normal?
I have another question. His tail is very weird.its more like hair strands than feathers. Is this normal?
May 24, 2017 #5 sassysarah Crossing the Road 7 Years Apr 3, 2017 3,938 8,795 807 Oklahoma My Coop My Coop Agree, it looks like a Rhode Island Red, usually cockerels have tail feathers that look like that, pullets are longer mostly.
Agree, it looks like a Rhode Island Red, usually cockerels have tail feathers that look like that, pullets are longer mostly.
May 24, 2017 Thread starter #7 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 Bummer it's a rooster though. I have 3 already.
May 24, 2017 #8 sassysarah Crossing the Road 7 Years Apr 3, 2017 3,938 8,795 807 Oklahoma My Coop My Coop Hes so handsome!