Is this a RIR Pullet egg???


11 Years
May 25, 2008

You can see that its cone shaped...


And in this picture, the same egg is sitting up higher than the others...

If it's an RIR egg, (the other layers I have are two OEGH/Silkie mixes, 2 silkies-(one being a partride), a merlerault-(not her), a Cochin-(not her), and a younger pullet RIR)...why would she start and stop??? Aren't RIR's good layers??? I have lights in the coop, grass for them to eat, etc. so why would she start and then stop???
what would cause them to lay one day and then stop if they're RIR's? I know the rest would be 2 egg a week layers, right but RIR's are supposed to be daily layers, right?
Diet. All my birds lay an egg a day. We feed them laying pellets and dry catfood. They love the catfood! I think it works because the catfood is really high in protien. (32%) My birds are much healthier looking than other folks I know who have chickens/turkey's etc. I really believe the catfood is the difference.
I have read alot of yay and nay on the issue of cat food but I'm gonna try it tomorrow, afterall, I do have a cat. Thanks.
Hmmm My RIR's eat all the cat food around here too. Never knew how good it was for them. They don't really bother with the layer feed unless they are bored. Anyway, both my girls are laying and only one bird has taken only one day off so far. Their eggs are all different shapes and shades of brown. Sometimes even spotted. When I get an egg that is cone shaped it usually turns out to be a double yolker. I get at least two double yolkers a week right now.

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