Jun 2, 2010 #1 sydney13 Songster Mar 11, 2010 1,364 24 204 Massachusetts heres my barred rock chick and she is 18 days old. can you tell the sex or is it to early to tell edit: sorry i didn't mean to post this twice Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
heres my barred rock chick and she is 18 days old. can you tell the sex or is it to early to tell edit: sorry i didn't mean to post this twice
Jun 2, 2010 #2 zatsdeb Songster 12 Years Oct 2, 2007 1,105 14 173 Lincoln, Illinois barred rock roosters have lighter legs than the hens. with stripes across. if you could get a good picture of its legs that would help. also the white on the feathers is whiter in roosters than hens.
barred rock roosters have lighter legs than the hens. with stripes across. if you could get a good picture of its legs that would help. also the white on the feathers is whiter in roosters than hens.
Jun 2, 2010 #3 Happy Chooks Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 14 Years Jul 9, 2009 40,438 3,674 686 Northern CA My Coop My Coop Pullet