Apr 15, 2013 #2 Makomd Songster 8 Years Jul 24, 2011 750 35 128 ES of MD , USA Not likley silver, but definitely a gold laced bird. IMHO
Apr 15, 2013 #7 Makomd Songster 8 Years Jul 24, 2011 750 35 128 ES of MD , USA Has the rose comb and yellow feet, looks to be Gold laced wyandotte. And still too early to tell if it is hen or roo. Roos rose combs will turn red pretty quickly once they are fully feathered. Good Luck for hen
Has the rose comb and yellow feet, looks to be Gold laced wyandotte. And still too early to tell if it is hen or roo. Roos rose combs will turn red pretty quickly once they are fully feathered. Good Luck for hen
Apr 17, 2013 Thread starter #8 Chickadan Chirping 6 Years Mar 27, 2013 121 0 81 Thanks, almost feel sorry for the roosters but am indeed hoping for a hen & living in the city cannot have anything else. ;-/
Thanks, almost feel sorry for the roosters but am indeed hoping for a hen & living in the city cannot have anything else. ;-/