Is this a White Rock


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2015
Is this a White Rock.
He was hatched from a group of duck eggs.
He was in large white egg.
His feathers are primarily white.
He egg was large enough that it mixed in with Pekin duck eggs and looked the same.

Will he produce sex links when paired with a red sexlinked?

Will he produce sexlinked when paired with a barred rock?

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It doesn't look like it's a white Rock because of the color. Don't know about sex links but I doubt it would give you some from a a barred rock. Too much white I think.
He came from a white egg.
All of my current chickens lay brown eggs. Will his offspring lay white eggs?

I want to stay with brown egg layers
He's got white earlobes, so he's likely got white egg genes. Looks like a Leghorn mix. He is not a suitable rooster for any kind of sexlinks, due to his dominant white genes. Brown eggs are caused by a coating applied over a white shell. There are over nine known genes that produce brown coating, and they operate and inherit independently from shell color genes.
He's a mixed breed rooster.

white Rocks lay brown eggs. Since he came from a white egg, his mother isn't a Rock. Since she isn't, he can't be.

with the white egg, white earlobes, large comb and white color, I'm thinking maybe momma was a Leghorn. the father was something straight combed and yellow skinned, likely something Red.

Simply considering the odds, it's likely the father carried the brown egg gene. If that's the case, putting him over brown egg laying hens will give you some shade of brown. maybe light cream, but not pure white.

but, you can't be positive about his genetic make up until you breed him.

If he does have Leghorn blood, he could add a boost in production to your next generation. And egg size.

He won't work for sex links, sorry. Red sex links require a gold rooster. Black sex links require a non-barred, non-white rooster. His white color will mask the color at hatch, so you'll be unable to sex the chicks.
Will his offspring lay brown eggs or is it a toss up?

Trying to figure out if I need to find him a home. Never planned to have a rooster and don't want to get away from brown egg layers

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