is this an easter egger or americana ?


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
i bought this girl at the auction yersterday
what is it ?

side view
Technically, an Easter Egger IS an AmerIcana, if it's spelled like that. She seems to have the wrong color legs for an Ameraucana; they aren't slate, at least the way the pic looks. Does she have a single comb? If so, definite Easter Egger.
they are slate but like dried out ?
its not a single comb its thin with no points on them just a round piece at the tip if you get what i am trying to say lol
Does it have a V comb, something like this? If so it is definitely an EE, but what a beautiful bird, especially to have been crossed with such a different breed! (Ameraucana's have Pea combs.)


(My Crevecour and Polish from an auction)
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No it doesnt have a V comb
i have a book of chickens and i was looking at a pic of an araucana and my bird has the same comb
but i know its not an araucana just the same comb type .
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It definitely is not an Araucana, Araucana are clean faced(always), rumpless(preferred), and tufted(also preferred). Mine a quite a bit smaller than my Ameraucana also.
countyroad1330- I have NEVER seen a EE with a V-comb. Most EE are pea combed, which I believe is the correlation of the blue egg gene.

Pretty EE you have there

It looks like a blue ameraucana, but the legs are throwing me off. It may be an easter egger bred up to look like a blue ameraucana or someone bred an easter egger to a blue ameraucana.

Better pictures of the comb and legs would be helpful. The eyes look a little light too, they are supposed to be bay.

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