Is this chick dying?


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
I am a newbie and we have been hatching our first group of chicks. The last one to hatch has the shell still connected at the rear end. It isn't just connected by the umbilical cord; it appears to be a solid mass of tissue extending out of the anus. Is this something on the outside that should be on the inside? It is still moving somewhat but is very weak. I posted on the hatching board but didn't get any response and I am desperate to know what to do. Can anyone help me please?
Thanks so much,
Try posting again with a different title.. like shell stuck to chick what to do or? Sorry I have no answer but thought this might help get someones attention.
It sounds like the chick has yet to absorb all of the egg yolk. Keep it in the bator so the other chicks can't peck it. When it's all absorbed, just put it in with the others in the brooder.

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Let it stay in the hatcher/incubator until the yolk is absorbed. You may have to eventually use a warm, wet paper towel to ease it off, but don't rush. Good luck!

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