is this copper maran a rooster


In the Brooder
Nov 28, 2015
Is this a rooster? About 3 1/2 months old.

Yes, that is a rooster, the easiest way I've found to tell is the saddle (feathers on the base of the tail) and hackle feathers (neck feathers). In roosters they will be pointed and hens they will be rounded.

Here is a photo that shows the difference between adult chickens feathering (not my photo, I found it on a google search)
I'm taking him to the breeder tomorrow to have them look. They day hen by the pics.
I realized he isn't 3 months yet. What are you seeing that makes you say rooster? The hackles?
His huge red comb and wattles and all the copper already showing on his neck. My black copper Marans pullet is about the same age, maybe a little older, and has a very small, barely pink comb and no wattles and is just starting to show a smidge of copper on her neck.

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