Is this Fowl Pox? Pictures.


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2016
Guys, please help!!!

Is this fowl pox. They don't look like scabs yet, just brown and darkish spots. If it's, how dangerous is it?? Do I need to separate her? How can I treat!???
Please help, first time raising these girls and I don't want to lose anyone.

Are they breathing okay? Any gasping or trouble swallowing? My hens got wet fowl pox, and they had pus filled scabs on their face and in their mouth, but that doesn't look like wet or dry fowl pox to me. Will any of it come off, or is it their skin?
Does it wash off?
Has she been dust bathing, it looks more like dirt to me.

If she had fowl pox, it would be little scabs instead of a full coating.
Try to clean the comb with a little soapy water and see if it comes off.

Let us know what happens.
Does it wash off?
Has she been dust bathing, it looks more like dirt to me.

If she had fowl pox, it would be little scabs instead of a full coating.
Try to clean the comb with a little soapy water and see if it comes off.

Let us know what happens.

* 2

Thank you all for the response.. Since I have cleaned or at least tried and it seems to be coming off, at least the dirt that is not too in the deep into the comb.
However, I have been checking the other chickens and they seem to have this very small black spots like the one in the picture above, and these ones don't come off.
Should I be worried?!?
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Based on the behavior lately, I believe completely that those can be pecking marks; with all the pecking order fights happening. Thank you very much for the help. Being the first time for us raising backyard chickens, every little thing worries me, and everybody here at BackyardChickens is very helpful always.
Based on the behavior lately, I believe completely that those can be pecking marks; with all the pecking order fights happening. Thank you very much for the help. Being the first time for us raising backyard chickens, every little thing worries me, and everybody here at BackyardChickens is very helpful always.
No problem

Those sweeeeet little chickens can be devils - they do like drama.
It can be a bit unsettling when you hear all the squawks and pecking order squabbling sometimes it seems brutal, but that is just the way chickens operate.You get used to it and will soon be able to differentiate between the drama and serious fighting.

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