is this guy a rooster?


7 Years
May 16, 2012
I picked him (I think) on the 7th, figuring would most likely be a cockerel.
I figure was about 4 weeks old.
Was noisy almost all the way home.
He has a bigger comb started that the much older pullets I have outside now, is that a sign?.

I also wonder what breed he may be.....
I should have added, I am new to raising chicks, have only dealt with older birds before this spring.
I lost 3 chicks from first batch to snakes, and one escaped when the first snake ate two.
Only have 2 of the first 6 left now, and I should put down some more snake repellent.
Rat/Gopher snakes they were.
the two left are doing well, one golden, one red.
I have 3 newer pullets in with my maybe rooster, two are feather feet.
well, will see when he gets bigger and grows permanent feathers.
I have a barred rock hen, and two reds, but I think only one or two are laying the few eggs I get. One egg every other day, except one day was two eggs.
I should post some pix of the two bigger pullets, as they are about what colors they will be. One red, one kinda gold. Not sure how big they'll need to be before I can safely put them in the big pen.
Around the size of large pigeons or so now, but a ways to grow.
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This is a tough one to sex. The feathering and color is girl. The comb could go either way. I think it's too early to tell yet. I'm thinking it's a pullet.
Well, he cost only $1.19, where the pullets cost $2.49 each.
He was from the batch they called "Mill Run".
My neighbor bought a batch of those a few years ago, and all turned out to be Roo's, LOL. So odds are that he is a roo too.
I have no idea as to how they sex em when they are teeny.
I grew up mainly in cities, with some summers in the country back in the 40's.
And yes, I did know where eggs and milk really came from. LOL :p
I bought 4 "pullets" from tsc that vary from this color to lighter buff. This guy has a lot of Roo characteristics. I am hoping I am right. after many hours on chicken sights and on here I believe he is a golden comet rooster. He was very light when I bought him the lightest of the bunch. He stands more upright and erect and his face around his eye is becoming very red and pronounced. His wattles under his chin seem to be coming in larger than the rest of the hens. I have been trying to spend time in the cage with them every day for at least an hour so we dont end up with cleatus in the soup pot. He is about 10 weeks now. here he is at 5 weeks when I put them in their big pen outside you can see he is very upright even here.
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I bought 4 "pullets" from tsc that vary from this color to lighter buff. This guy has a lot of Roo characteristics. I am hoping I am right. after many hours on chicken sights and on here I believe he is a golden comet rooster. He was very light when I bought him the lightest of the bunch. He stands more upright and erect and his face around his eye is becoming very red and pronounced. His wattles under his chin seem to be coming in larger than the rest of the hens. I have been trying to spend time in the cage with them every day for at least an hour so we dont end up with cleatus in the soup pot. He is about 10 weeks now. here he is at 5 weeks when I put them in their big pen outside you can see he is very upright even here.
Those all look like Red sexlinks. The roosters will be mostly white. You have all hens i think

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