Is this normal molting?


Jul 13, 2015
Snohomish, WA
Poor Zuko is looking super scroungey all of a sudden! Is this normal molting, or something I should be concerned about?




Are you seeing his feathers laying around? do you see him preening?

No feathers, which is what's weird. There's a bunch from the three little girls, but no colored ones from any of the bigguns. Thinking on it, I'm not fully certain I've ever seen him preen... I could hang out outside with them for a while and see if he does it?
No feathers, which is what's weird. There's a bunch from the three little girls, but no colored ones from any of the bigguns. Thinking on it, I'm not fully certain I've ever seen him preen... I could hang out outside with them for a while and see if he does it?
It looks like he may not be taking care of his feathers properly for what reason I have none. Maybe alot of rain and just not keeping up with it. I never see my drakes preen like my females do. I know you give meal worms as a treat maybe add a little dog or cat kibble to their treats for a month to see if that helps. {High quality}
It looks like he may not be taking care of his feathers properly for what reason I have none. Maybe alot of rain and just not keeping up with it. I never see my drakes preen like my females do. I know you give meal worms as a treat maybe add a little dog or cat kibble to their treats for a month to see if that helps. {High quality}

We have been getting a ton of rain lately... I put them in their house at night to make them sleep somewhere dry, but they stay out in it as much as possible. I didn't even realize until yesterday that I don't really see him preen ever, but he'll do the fluff up and shimmy to tidy up a bit, and I watched his flapping to make sure his wing feathers were looking okay. He's looking a tiny bit better today, I think... I'll definitely throw them some good kitty kibbles for a while and see if that helps. Would fish oil do anything for him, do you think?
I'm worried he'll get too cold if he can't get his weatherproofing sorted out :(

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We have been getting a ton of rain lately... I put them in their house at night to make them sleep somewhere dry, but they stay out in it as much as possible. I didn't even realize until yesterday that I don't really see him preen ever, but he'll do the fluff up and shimmy to tidy up a bit, and I watched his flapping to make sure his wing feathers were looking okay. He's looking a tiny bit better today, I think... I'll definitely throw them some good kitty kibbles for a while and see if that helps. Would fish oil do anything for him, do you think?
I'm worried he'll get too cold if he can't get his weatherproofing sorted out

You could try some over their feed and see if they like it I don't think it could hurt at all. since most ducks will readily eat fish. when the rain stops and he does the fluff up and shimmy does he still stay wet for a long time after or does he dry pretty fast? Wet feather can be a chronic condition and usually rights itself after a good molt.
You could try some over their feed and see if they like it I don't think it could hurt at all. since most ducks will readily eat fish.  when the rain stops and he does the fluff up and shimmy does he still stay wet for a long time after or does he dry pretty fast? Wet feather can be a chronic condition and usually rights itself after a good molt.

He look pretty dry, just not all sleek and... organized as everyone else.
He look pretty dry, just not all sleek and... organized as everyone else.
I just noticed today my youngest gander who didn't molt last summer because he was just a baby has wet feather. it was raining today and was very noticeable since he was wet and the others weren't and no swimming water since spring was froze. So he'll have to molt out those old feathers and get in his new ones before his feathers look better.

Your drake may just need a nutrient boost and fish oil may do the trick. make sure you get one that doesn't have fillers in it. or coconut oil added to their feed may also help.
I just noticed today my youngest gander who didn't molt last summer because he was just a baby has wet feather. it was raining today and was very noticeable since he was wet and the others weren't and no swimming water since spring was froze. So he'll have to molt out those old feathers and get in his new ones before his feathers look better.

Your drake may just need a nutrient boost and fish oil may do the trick. make sure you get one that doesn't have fillers in it. or coconut oil added to their feed may also help.

I've been watching their preening habits all week and it looks like he's just not really taking care of himself much... adding a capsule worth of fish oil to their food for now, and hoping his scroungey feathercoat will be enough to keep him warm through the winter. And hey, maybe his chubbiness will actually benefit him some!

I do notice though that my other drake, Azula, is a terribly fastidious groomer! Must be why he gets all the ladies.
I've been watching their preening habits all week and it looks like he's just not really taking care of himself much... adding a capsule worth of fish oil to their food for now, and hoping his scroungey feathercoat will be enough to keep him warm through the winter. And hey, maybe his chubbiness will actually benefit him some!

I do notice though that my other drake, Azula, is a terribly fastidious groomer! Must be why he gets all the ladies.

LOL might be.
other than his looking unkept is he eating good and interacting with the flock like he feels good?

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