Is this the start of a vent prolapse?


5 Years
May 29, 2019
I've been treating my 3 y/o BO for suspected vent gleet. She stopped laying a week ago and seems to have gone out of lay completely for now (no squatting nor nesting activity, shrunken comb, eating less feed, etc.) Today I noticed when inspecting her vent I could see a little tissue just on the inside. Is this normal or the start of a prolapse? Thank you!

That is not a prolapse but her vent is just a bit loose and open. Does she have a bad odor from her vent, or have a continuous leakage of urates (the white part of her droppings?) She could be taking a break from laying or starting to molt. Do you see any roughness of feathers or see any lying around inside the coop? Is her crop emptying by early morning? Is she eating and drinking?
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That is not a prolaspse but her vent is just a bit loose and open. Does she have a bad odor from her vent, or have a continuous leakage of urates (the white part of her droppings?) She could be taking a break from laying or starting to molt. Do you see any roughness of feathers or see any lying around inside the coop? Is her crop emptying by early morning? Is she eating and drinking?
I suspected vent gleet because there was a bit of a sickly sweet odor coming from her vent area (plus she had major poopy butt). Since I've been treating it, she doesn't have much of a strong smell anymore. But yes, she was and still is leaking watery urates and clearish fluids from her vent occasionally--especially while preening or getting pets. This morning she seemed she was struggling to get out small, sickly amounts of poop--and I feared constipation--but by the afternoon her poop was normal looking and big again (after having eaten).

She's drinking and eating, but definitely eating way less than she had been when laying. Her crop will have something in it during the day but she's not really filling it up at roosting time, so it's near-empty when she goes to bed.

I did notice many of her feathers around the run this morning and wondered if she's going into an early molt, but not sure yet.

I'm glad you don't think it's vent gleet--that's a relief. I'm leaving for vacation this Friday and of course all of my chickens are suddenly having mysterious problems I fear I won't have wrapped up before I go. My poor sitter is going to be handed a bible to read. (Luckily, he's a soon-to-be-graduating vet student w/ chickens and has worked rehabbing wild birds so he's got good experience :fl)
That is not a prolaspse but her vent is just a bit loose and open. Does she have a bad odor from her vent, or have a continuous leakage of urates (the white part of her droppings?) She could be taking a break from laying or starting to molt. Do you see any roughness of feathers or see any lying around inside the coop? Is her crop emptying by early morning? Is she eating and drinking?
Wow--sorry I wrote so much! It's been a saga of vague issues with this one! and THANK YOU so much for writing me back on a holiday!

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