Isbar (1st Import), Jill Reese x with C line Crested Cream Legbars, Blue/Black/Splash Copper Marans,

I'm lucky to live nearby this breeder and have enjoyed both her day-old chicks and have a perfect record with her hatching eggs (5/5). The birds are healthy, curious, yet very mellow. Breeds I have: Isbar, Cream Legbar, and Welsummer. (Pics below: 1) 2-wk old chick resting on my partner's knee completely nonplussed by his gyrations to put on socks without moving her, 2) first to hatch hours-old legbar) Of the 8 cockerels from various sources we ended up with this year, the CL roo from Alchemist ended up being our 'keeper,' and prompted us to pick up the hatching eggs for more CLs.

all breeds listed are laying strong right now, we can ship hatching eggs as well as chicks all over the United States and have been getting great feedback from our customers!

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