ISO: Bantam eggs specifically Mille Fleur-try me


Barista Queen
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
I am looking for some hatching eggs from show stock mille fleur bantams, but would consider other bantam breeds. I want eggs from someone who shows their birds(and does well)-not just a backyard breeder. It would be ideal if they were on the west coast somewhere to minimize shipping times. Does anybody know anyone??
Mille fleur what? Bantam cochins or bantam d'uccles? I know there's quite a few people with the d'uccles on here and at least one (Tate) with the cochins....

There are quite a few who have nice Mille Fleurs (I assume Duccle) on here. Look for lots of spots. You should be able to find someone selling eggs.
I'd kill for some of those mille fleur standard orp. eggs they have overseas! Those are the most awesome birds EVER!

Alot of backyard breeders take pride in their birds and some have some very good stock in theor back yard, not just hatchery birds. So maybe you should just ask for pics of the birds in question before purchasing anything from the breeder?

I agree with CaseyRee - I am considered a "backyard breeder" because I have not shown any of birds.... yet. heh!

But, I have bought all show quality birds.. my silkie lines come directly from Hattrick, Harvest Breeze Farm and FlufNStuff and my cochins came directly from Judy Gantt.

I did just buy a pair of show d'Uccles - I actually can't get them until the first week of April because they are at a show.. lol.. and I just bought 2 d'Uccle hens that are show quality. All 4 of them are Millies.

So, I would suggest to just look at pics and decide for yourself on Q.
There are a lot of backyard breeders here that have BEAUTIFUL birds!!

I am so in love with thses birds i have been looking for the CITROEN Mille Fleurs, OMG they are sooooooooo gorgious.
sooooooooooo if anyone knows where i might find some???????hMmmmmmm
Assuming you are looking for Mille Fleur d'Uccle hatching eggs, I have a nice little pair

I do show them; and actually, for some reason, the only show they have not done well in was the County Fair
... they have gotten all the way to Reserve Class Champion in the "real" (APA sanctioned) shows

You can see pictures and prices on my website -

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