ISO BLRW chicks


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I am looking to get 10 chicks of BLRW breed, or splash color, but looking for nice dark red and blue, not hatchery orange. Looking for them at a reasonable price, need not be show quality.

Please comment if you have any!

Will consider hatching eggs!
We have hatching eggs available $40 per dozen plus $17 shipping. I can get photos to post (at work don't have access right now) or you can see photos of breeding stock on our facebook dirt road chicks page. Please let me know.
I have hatching eggs available if you're interested in eggs. I've been posting them at auction on the New 24 hr Auction page and I also have an ad up. I can ship 6+ at a time. My birds are a deep mahogany color no orange. Can't stand the hatchery orange myself. My rooster especially has nice deep coloring. Sorry for the messy pen I gave them a pail of scraps to help get [slightly] better pics. IMG_9176.JPG IMG_9166.JPG IMG_9174.JPG IMG_9176.JPG IMG_9166.JPG IMG_9174.JPG

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