Italian National Poultry Championship Dec. 2018



13 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Fox Valley, IL
My Coop
My Coop
In December we were in Italy, near the famed marble quarries of Carrara. I go there to select marble for my sculpture. A friend mentioned to me that the Italian National Poultry Championship, the XXV Campionati Italiani di Avicoltura, was being held that weekend at the convention center in Carrara, a huge facility where I've attended exhibitions of marble and stone working machinery. So, of course, my wife and I spent all Sunday there, enjoying the chickens and taking LOTS of photos. There were nearly 1500 birds entered as competitors, and others that were just there for sale. Many were breeds we are familiar with from the U.S., but quite a lot were Italian or European breeds and varieties that are rarely seen stateside.

This White Crested Bantam Polish Hen was best in show. In Italian this breed is called an Olandese con Ciuffo, and the variety is Nana Nera con Ciuffo Bianco. Her score was E97. (Excellent, 97 points). She comes from the town of Ravenna, a city famous for some of the finest examples of Byzantine architecture, with stunning 5th and 6th century mosaics. I'll explain the scoring system in the next post, and include scores when I can in with the photos.

I'll try to post the right name for each bird, but please post corrections if I'm off base.
I tried to make notes while shooting, and cross reference with the exhibition catalog, but I know I've missed a lot. If you spot one where you think my identification is wrong, or my translation from the Italian name of the breed is off, or where I didn't know what it was, please reply with your suggestions. When I can, I'll try to post the Italian name of the breed/variety, along with what I think is the English equivalent. I repeat, corrections are welcome!

In some cases I'll be able to include the Judging scores, based on this system:
E Eccellente (Excellent) 97 points
D Distincto (Distinguished) 96 points
MP Molto Buono (very good) 95-93 points
B Buono (good) 92-91 points
S Sufficiente (sufficient) 90 pints
I insufficiente (insufficient) 0 points

Liege Bantam gamecock, black silver
Best of breed with a score of MB 95 (molto bene 95 points)
Leige Bantam gamecock black silver best of breed mb95.jpg

A Braekel bantam, best of breed, score D 96 (Distinguished 96 points)
Braekel-Bantam best of breed d96.jpg
Two silver tufted black Appenzells, the one on the right scored MB95 and was best of breed, the one on the left just two points behind at MB93. (so both were MB, Molto Buono).
silver black tufted appenzell r cdr 95 l 93.jpg

And this silver laced Padovana. It's a Polish chicken, but the name is becaused they are believed to have arrived in the city of Padua (near Venice) in the 1300's. They've been popular in Italy for 700 years. This one scored MB94.
Silver Laced Padovana mb94.jpg
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This is a Barbuta D'Anversa Gigio Perla Picchiettata Bianco, in English a Belgian d'Anver. The coloring translates as grey pearl with white speckles. RoostersAreAwesome said that in the US it's called blue mottled or lavender mottled. She scored a B92.

This is a bantam silkie, called "Moroseta Nana" in Italian.
Walter-phone-chickens (54)Morseta nana.jpg
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