It's Day 18...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Hello... I just joined this website and have a couple of questions maybe someone can help me out. This is my very first time incubating eggs and have 14 eggs in my incubator, i candled the eggs and everyone of them has chicks moving in them. temp right at 100 and humity at 65 is these the right settings? Also I took the egg turner out this morning and laid the eggs on their side. I read on here you have to position them on their sides a certain way? I was wondering if this was true? Thanks again for your help and happy hatching (I hope)
Hi Justin,

You're doing fine

If you want to be really precise... The temperature should be 99.5ºF and the humidity (on the last 3 days) around 70%... If you have 65% it's well within range.

On the egg position... No special way that I know of, except laying them on they're sides with the round end slightly up (easier for the chicks)... But, when you do that they assume this position naturally, due to the air sac end (round end) being lighter... So no worries... The chicks will soon start kicking and throw the eggs all "out of position"

14 out of 14?... Great!!.. Hope they all hatch... Good luck!


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You're welcome, Justin

A small addendum to what I wrote previously... 99.5ºF is for forced air incubators (which I assumed yours is), in still air incubators it's 1º higher I believe.

Good luck in your hatch!


Add more warm water if you can't add anymore in the water traps then add a wet sponge with warm water and add it to your incubator. Do you have a humidity gage?
I have a humidity gage and it says 40% and we are on day 17. If I add a wet sponge, could the chicks drown from the water? Can the eggs touch the wet sponge???
I've seen people just do a couple of sprays from a water bottle to kick up the humidity, they spray a couple times a day helps kick the humidity up and the incubator should keep it there for a while then spray as needed

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