its soooo rainy

TK Poultry

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Greencastle, Indiana
its rained all week and supposed to rain most of next my poor chickens look miserable and they wont go into their houses i want to shake them and go "go into your house"!!! it sucks its soooo wet!! my ducks are loving it but they look gross b/c of all of the mud
i wish i could all it does is rain up here!!! its either rainy and nasty or humid as hades and hot!!! or if you want the winter is usually unbearable cold!!!! but i love indiana
We are suppose to get another 3" in the Metro Atlanta area tomorrow, up to 5" is possible in N. Georgia. We've just dried up from last week, with many losing their homes to flooding.

nevermind ~ now they are saying 1/2 inch.
Who knows...
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It's not raining up here in Monroe-I'm glad.All summer we had the worst of thunderstorms.Since I'm scared of lightning,I was terrified nearly all summer.
Npw it's Partly cloudy-No rain,no thunder,no lightning.

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