JACKSONVILLE FL Swap Meet This Sunday Feb.28


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Jacksonville, FL 32210
Bent Creek Feed store on 103rd st. between Shepherd's way and Chaffee (10777 103rd.st.) is hosting the monthly swap this Sunday from 9-1 . Plenty of parking, nice people with lots of birds to sell. We've had very good attendance recently, be sure to come!

For more info, check out thread: Jacksonville Monthly Swaps
I'm coming................
My ad, hopefully one of you ladies can help:

One single male Muscovey duck, can't fly, would prefer same in mate.

White bathrobes are a huge turn on, so please have plenty of eligible ducky bachelorettes so I'm not forced to breed with the female humans.

Loves long walks on the farm and plenty of mosquitos to eat. Very attentive, if you open the window I will run to greet you at the door.

Please take me home!
I'll be there!! Here's what I am bringing so far:

Rhode Island Red chicks: 2 weeks old

Splash Silkie Cockerel-Breeder quality

White Silkie Cockerel-Breeder quality

If it's not too cold, I will bring some silkie chicks


My sister-in-law is coming too and she will have Rhode Island Red laying hens

Don't know what else yet!!
Look forward to seeing everyone!

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