Je suis allee au club de francais ce matin!


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
A local journalist wrote a story last week about a local group of people who gather to speak French - over coffee, over dinner, for movies, etc. I decided to sign up and today I went to my first club meeting! It was sooooo wonderful to sit and chat in French, as well as to help new learners with translation and pronunciation.

I was a French major in college, am a 13th generation descendant of a founder of Quebec, and lived in the French Alpes for my senior year of college. Not speaking French anymore is like not being able to express a big part of who I am. It's so freeing to find others who share my passion for all things French!

J'adore le francais!
J'aime le fait que je peux ecrire en francais et personne ne me donne le regard de "je comprends pas!"

Je le recoive chaque jour en mes classes.
cool! now youve satisfied two parts of yourself where you cant anywhere else!! your chicken side and your french side! im happy for you!
dommage frommage

ha ha ha...that's what my high school teacher always said...and that's all I remember.

And I don't know if I spelled it right.
Je non parle pas francais!

That is my entire usage of French, after 7 months in Grenoble. I lived within a colony of South Americans, so my Spanish is pretty good. Sadly, I didn't learn much French. French is a beautiful language!

"J'aime le fait que je peux ecrire en francais et personne ne me donne le regard de "je comprends pas!"

Je le recoive chaque jour en mes classes."

FrenchHen and JennsPeeps- Lessons, please!
Lesson One:

le poulet luh pooleh a chicken

la poule la pool a hen

le coque le coc a rooster

le poussin luh poosahn a chick

les crottins lay cRotahn the droppings.
Translation: I like the fact that I can write in French and nobody gives me the "what the heck" look. I get that daily in my classes.

Frenchhen and I should keep a thread going in French about nos poules... ou de n'importe quoi! I do see people from French-speaking countries posting here from temps en temps.
Uhm, I remember... le chat- luh shat = the cat

le chien - luh shien = the dog

lots of cooking words, because of Julia Child- shopping words, as well as the all important
s'il vous plais(sp) and merci,
une, deaux, troix, quatre, cinq, six?, sept, huit, neuf, dix....

I guess I picked up some of the basic words, but not the usages of them.

les crottins
I learned a different word for that.......

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