Just J party. GAME OVER

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I just went over to YouTube to look for teeny tiny dogs but I get sick just looking at the poor things.
I feel sorry for them.
Sadly a lot of people breed them to be 'teacup' size. Their bones are so little and they're so fragile. They get a lot of health issues and most of them don't make it but a few days.
That's a unique mix there lol should be fun
he has already had it in once but the person we got the engine from rebuilt it incorrectly so it had to be pulled and rebuilt 🙄🙄🙄 we just got it back from the shop 2 weeks ago and with any luck, he’ll have it back in and running by Halloween??.....
Thats because people that want an accessory instead of a dog want them small.
Not as much fun playing dress up with a large real dog and they don't fit well in strollers.
They don’t fit in strollers, but they do fit in jammies.
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