Just J party. GAME OVER

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You see that little one on the lower right...see how hims little legs are almost doing the splits because it's too slippery under those shavings...the bottom of that cage thing.
Paper towel will help prevent (slippery) leg issues.
I used the rubber shelf liners for the first couple weeks. Bought a few and swapped them out 2x a day. I brooded in Rubbermaids, so I swapped the whole shebang out. They hold up in a washing machine.
No trick or treating here.
We don't care about dressing up for pictures.
We don't care about candy from strangers either..it goes straight to the trash.

It won't be a big deal for us to miss trick or treating due to the corona crap.
We’re mourning the loss of Halloween trick or treating here. Now I’m scrambling to make up new traditions.
My Rona.
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