Just Candeled My Eggs


10 Years
May 2, 2009
Woods, TX
Today is day 9 for my first ever batch of pea eggs. 10 of the 12 I put in the bator have chicks swimming! I hope I can get a good hatch.


Wonderful news! I would love to incubate my peahen's eggs...But I am never around when she is off the nest. I don't want to get her off the nest just to incubate the eggs, because I would be afraid she would stop setting on them if I did that. I guess I will just have to see what happens. So much for buying that candler and incubator last year!

I hope all those good eggs stay good for you and you do get a good hatch. Are they all India blues or is it a mix?
I hope
my hen sits on her eggs. I am expecting my first egg this week. I made up another nest
site with a dog crate surrounded by a few bales of hay. I will get pictures when she nests.

I would incubate the first and second clutch then if you want her to set let her, if she sets and hatches the first clutch it could be the only eggs and chicks you get from her this year. That is why we gather our eggs until almost the end of breeding season.

I just want my own peas to free range on the farm. I am not looking to sell them. If I got 3 babies that lived, I would be happy.
I have an incubator, but I am new to all of this, so I am practiceing with some chicken eggs. I am on day 9 with them, so they would not be finished in time for my peafowl eggs.
I am not interested in getting the most eggs and peachicks I can get, I am more interested in having the peahens incubate their own eggs so that the peachicks get the benefits of being raised by their real mom and not me. If my other peahens lay some eggs I might take one or two and try incubating them myself but I really can't wait to watch a peahen raise her peachicks. I got to see a free-range peahen at someone else's place with her peachick and it was so cute watching them!

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