Just finished coop too small

tomato lady

10 Years
May 18, 2009
Eatonville, WA
Here is the thing. I just can't resist those cute little chicks so I now have 26 babies in an 8 x 6 coop I built to house about 12 - 14 chickens. There is plenty of room now, but these chicks have some growing to do!

I have two options.

I could referbish an outbuilding that I built about 12 years ago for our goats. It once housed 4 bottle baby calves. It is about twice the size of my new coop and it has a small loft. It is presently unoccupied and in need of some repair. The siding was used (recycled) when I put it up, but it would not be too hard to put up new. The two small windows are broken (kids with balls) and I would need to build another door. I would have all summer to accomplish this -- and, of course, build another run. If I did that I could use my new coop and run for a brooding area for more chicks next year.

Or...... I could get rid of some of my chickens.

What do you think?

Remember, I am a great grandmother and getting this building in shape could be labor intensive. However, I am young at heart and believe that staying active is the key to good health as you age.
I feel your pain I have another dozen chicks in the brooders.

I planned out the design with my father-in-law yesterday and i will be building 2 more coops this coming weekend. A small one for my bantams and another 8'x10'x8' barn/coop to house my growing addiction to raising chickens

Meee tooooo!!!

If the chicks and chickens bring you happiness and good eggs, Keep them!!
My life is so busy with 4 kids but even with all the work of raising my chicks I truly enjoy them, it actually relaxes me - I spend way to much time out in the coop:) and the kids love them, it brings out something special in them when they play and help take care of them.....

Who knows you might be able to start a little business! At least you have a building to work with! My husband ( I am woefully non gifted with anything to do with construction) will have to take precious time out of his R&R to build another coop, or at the very least add on to the run. But his additude is if it makes me happy, he's happy!

Enjoy your babies!! and AWESOME (dates me) way to go on building your own coop!! I'm envious of your skills!

Fellow Chickaholic
I've just been adding on. LOL I now have a tri-plex. I'm afraid if i build more they will make me rezone for multi-family housing. It sounds like you have it figured out. Always build bigger than you think you need. If you never get more the ones you have will appreciate the greater spaces. Good Luck and welcome to Chicken Fever.

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