Just finished the Buckeye Incubator re-build

Tabasco Jack

11 Years
Jan 20, 2013
Draketown, GA
Just finished up all the small details and got the Buckeye running. Here's the link to the article
@WalnutHill , @AmyLynn2374 Thought you'd be interested in this since we've conversed about it in the past.
That's a sweet looking incubator. I can't wait to see how well it does for you! I am a believer in the warm water heat over dry forced air.

Does this one have a nursery tray?
That's a sweet looking incubator. I can't wait to see how well it does for you! I am a believer in the warm water heat over dry forced air.

Does this one have a nursery tray?
Not sure what a nursery tray is. There was a smaller tray inside it. It's probably 6" x 10" and has a screen bottom.
A nursery tray sits below the egg tray and allows the hatched chicks to scramble off the eggs and drop below until they are removed from the incubator.
Now I understand what you're talking about. No, there's only about 1.25" below the hatching tray and the burlap covered frame was in the bottom.
Absolutely amazing. I saw one of these a couple of years ago for sale on Craigslist but the guy wasn't sure what it was missing. I still kick myself for passing on it. Is this one kerosene?
I've had it running for 24 hours inside the house and the temperature won't go above 95 degrees. Guess I've got to figure out another method for the heater.
After reading this thread I went back and read the build thread that you posted. Great work. It may inspire me to try to replicate one of these this winter. It won't be as good as yours ( nothing beats the real deal) but I think it would be a fun build.

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