Just got my eggs incubating them Friday any tips to keep the fresh


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
wilmington de
Just got my eggs I put them pointy end down
In a carton im putting them Friday morning do I
Keep them at room temperature or wat can I do any tips
I think you're supposed to keep them room temp until you put them in the bator. Some say to tip the carton a few times a day. That's what I'm doing but I'm not an expert for sure. Still trying to earn my "successful hatch" badge.
Yes, let them "rest" at room temp. I usually give mine 3-5 days depending on when they were laid. I lay mine flat in a dish that has a towel over it. But, if your using and auto turn, you're doing the right thing. make sure your Incubator is holding steady around 99-99.5 and off you go.. You should be able to candle around 5-7 days. You'll see spider webb lines and the air pocket getting bigger. When you do candle, make sure it's in a VERY dark room. preferably NO outside light. i used a mini mag lite with a single bulb. I have trouble seeing through dark,dark eggs, but I candle those at around day 18 and you can usually see the bottom of the air pocket and something pushing against the membrane upwards.
Good luck!

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