Just got my first chickens!


9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
Central CT

TSC had chicks, just as I found out that the feed store won't be getting them until a month later than they said!

I'm *very* excited. Three Plymouth Rocks, three dark Brahmas. All but one peacefully asleep at the moment. Temperature steady at 95 degrees, food and water clean and available, cats and dog hysterical but unable to reach chicks. It's good!
that is nice that they tell you what they are. I bought some last year from Rural King and they werent labeled. I had to wait till they were like 4 months old and then post pictures on BYC.

Enjoy the first week, they are so cute!
Thanks everybody! I had what I'm pretty sure is the common "first morning with chicks" chest pain when I got up to check on them and they were all face-planted in the brooder. Just sleeping, of course, and now up and peeping away. I like how they interact with everything by pecking it.

The dog, a coonhound, clearly thinks we are insane. She's enjoying sleeping in the heat lamp light, though.

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