Just got my first ever 6 baby chicks!


Apr 12, 2015
Hi everyone, I just started chicken keeping. I'm keeping my chickens for eggs and pets. I picked Bielefelder chickens, because they are beautiful, lay large brown eggs, and are supposed to be very docile. I got 6 Bielefelder chicks from Greenfire Farms, they got here yesterday at about 2 pm. The are so cute and healthy. They like to go around the cage scratching, looking for food. They love to stretch their legs out behind them, and clean their feathers. They flap their wings at each other, and stand as tall as they can, i think they are already establishing the "pecking order". I hope they all grow up healthy, I can only wait and see.

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Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Your chicks are beutiful congratulations on them :celebrate I love raising chicks it's lots of fun and very rewarding. They soon develop their own personalities and pecking order by about 2 weeks of age. Have you checked out the learning centre? Lots of super articles on all aspects of raising chicks to be happy and healthy. Here is the link > https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

Be sure to ask any questions that you may have everyone here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy those new babies of yours and BYC :frow
Hi, thank you for welcoming me. I was just outside checking on them, and I noticed one was sleeping on its side, i thought it had injured it self or something, but i nudged it and it got up and was fine. Is it normal for them to sleep on their side? I put a wooden rod in there about 2 inches of the ground for them to sit on, but they just jump over it, they dont know how to use it yet i guess. Then i thought maybe i put it to far away from the lamp, maybe i should move it?
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They'll try out the little roost soon, they have a lot to explore now and are doing so. Wait till they try out their wings and fly to the top of their brooder. It 's good to put a wire cover over it - because if they fly out, they won't know how to get back inside. Lovely chicks, best of luck to you.
Thanks everyone for welcoming me, the chicks are doing fine, they are growing fast, some are growing faster than others. The cockerel is the runt so far. The biggest pullet is already getting little tail feathers, its like they grow over night!
Hi, I thought something was wrong with it at first, but i guess it just wanted to lay like that, i haven't seen it lay on it side anymore. I think maybe it was sleeping and fell over and just didnt want to sit back up. lol.

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