i just got 4 parrolets 2 green 1 yellow and 1 blue a blue and green are sitting on nest how long is the incubation period? how do i tell females from males?
DNA sexing is the only way to tell parrotlets apart, unless one lays an egg. You can do this very easily by sending in the feathers. I think it usually runs about $15-$20 to do this. Just do a search online to find companies that will do this for you.
Quote: Don't even think about trying this unless you are extremely experienced in handfeeding tiny babies. Parrotlet babies are super small and need to be fed evry 2 hours and must be kept warm.
We hand fed 1500 plus baby cockatiels many from a day or two old, plus numerous african geys, cockatoos and amazons each year for over 5 years and even we would be hesitant to take on such a project.
Instead wait till they feather some and then handle them every day. You'll have sweet babies and have not taken the chance of killing them
Sorry, I did not mean pull babys that just popped out of the egg, I meant when they get their feathers in.
I too had to handfeed babys that came right out of the egg and yes!!!!!its two hours also very hard. Forgive me for not being clear.