Just hatched baby Serama chick having motor difficulties- can it be helped?

Bocktobery 10

10 Years
Oct 8, 2010

Just had my first hatch of Serama chicks. I have one that is having problems. Doesn't move around too much, isn't going for food like the other chicks, isn't really peeping too much either. Just kind of wants to be under mamma hen all the time.

Side note here: If it helps to know, there was one that died while hatching and it had a swollen abdomen where the cord meets the belly button (infection?).

I've noticed that it has a lump in its neck in the front bottom of neck. I have put drops of water on the tip of the beak to get her some nourishment but even that seems difficult for her to manage to open the beak and swallow. She seems dizzy/drunk just by the way her head moves- backwards and up and a bit side to side- slowly. Again, she does not walk around or move around much. She can move her feet- I've put her upside down to see them kick and she does have fast reflexes and seems ok there. The problems seem to stem more around the neck and this lump- its almost as if her bones may be fused somewhere or she doesn't have proper use of muscles or even developed muscles in the neck area. I'm not sure what the lump is- only that the other chicks do not have this, but it feels like its bone. Her head seems to lumber outstretched more than the other chicks as this is how she is found laying most of the time. She can tuck her head in though- maybe not all the way- I shoudl go and test that (carefully). Again, she doesn't seem to have much control of her movements, or that she is dizzy. She seems to not want to move very much.

Does anyone know what this could be? I started giving her some water with Sulmet in it yesterday when this issue first surfaced- I figured it was worth a try and this is what has brought other chicks I've had back from the brink of death... Anyway... Yesterday, she just seemed like it could be an infection because she was not moving around so much. Now with further inspection and having tried the antibiotic, I would assume that its a genetic defect or possibly something else that I do not know about.

Has anyone ever seen this sort of thing and if so was there any remedy? I hate to not try to save her, but I do realize I might have to put her down. She is really not able to eat- even when I mix some feed up with water- its just not going down and I don't think she has the ability to swallow very well, though it appears she seems to be trying. She seems hungry- she will give a loud chip when I get her to swallow at least one drop- as of yet (begining of the second day of life) she is not peeping loudly like what you'd hear from a chick in desperate need. When I try and feed her, she lunges her beak in the air as if she wants more but can't control the head and where it goes.
I heard once this type of thing could be a vitamin deficiency and that the right dose would clear the issue up... just wondered if anyone knew anything that could help. I want to try first before I give up on the situation.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
I'm sorry you are having trouble.

It's possible it could be wry neck or crookneck which is a neurological symptom of several conditions, such as a vitamin E deficiency and certain diseases( Mareks, Avian Lymphoid Leukosis, Newcastles,) or from a head injury. Treatment is Vitamin E and selenium, which are both in your Poultry Nutridrench or Poultry Cell.

Hopefully if it is wry neck you will see some improvement within a few days.

I don't know a lot about hatching, but there's always the possibility that something went wrong there or she may just fail to thrive, so be hopeful, but prepare yourself too

This chick is older in the video, but it may give you help on how to get some food and vitamins into her, if you have trouble you may have to try to syringe/tube feed fluids. @casportpony is an expert at tube feeding so she may have some helpful tips on such a young baby.

Tube feeding

Here's some info on wry neck:
Thank you for this.. it is very helpful.  As you can see, I'm feeling worn out from this.   Your little Happy gives me hope.   He is definitely a success story.  This little one does get into that 'feeding position' as you put it.  Its so darn cute when she does it too.  She tries to peck at the syringe (or the tiny bowl of food) but misses the mark a lot. 

  I don't mind if she grows up to have some remaining problems.  I just hope she can eat on her own.   At this moment, it doesn't look like that will happen for her. 

I completely understand how you are feeling. It's daunting to not know if all of this additional care/time and commitment that you are doing will lead to an eventual cure. Nobody can tell you what is the right thing to do for you and your little chick. All I can tell you is that I was there many times and doubted A LOT. Happy couldn't stand on his own until he was 2 1/2 weeks. At that point it became much easier as I knew he could eat something (maybe not enough but something) on his own and I didn't have to be on call 24/7. Once he reached that milestone his progress and growth accelerated and it became easier to see tiny improvements every day. Before that point I kicked myself for playing mother nature. Happy's mom had left he and his brother unhatched 2 days after her other 4 eggs hatched. I candled the eggs and saw movement and couldn't just let them die so I placed them in an incubator. They hatched 5 days after their hatch mates. Happy's brother had curled toes and Happy hatched out screaming. Clearly mother hen knew something wasn't right or things had gone wrong during her incubation. If I had it to do again I'm not sure I would make the same choice. Who am I kidding I probably would lol.
Have you tried feeding moistened chick starter? Make a little formed loaf of it on the floor and try to teach her to peck. That way she has a large area to aim for and not have to connect with one crumble to eat. Warning-you will need to watch her nares if this works because they will get cemented shut with food! I noticed the most progress after I started the B complex...I added it after seeing no progress when he was about 1 1/2 weeks old. How old is your little one now? Hugs. I know what you're going through and whatever your decision moving forward is the right one. You are trying your best but we can't always fix everything.
Hello.. just updating on the Serama peep..

The Prep. H worked well on the swollen vent. At times she still will have a movement that hurts her... I think its also swollen internally where I can't apply it. But most of all, it did the trick. Worked fast too.

She's still scratching and pecking at times... however, she doesn't appear to be able to get the food very well. I have no idea what amount of food she is taking in or not when she feeds on her own. I did notice she did little poops after putting her in a smaller dish with ground up chick feed all over the bottom of it. So she is eating a bit.. maybe not a whole lot- when she pecks. I've decided to continue to give her food via the syringe plus let her scratch and peck- perhaps she is not used to it and hasn't mastered it yet but will need both hand feeding and time to master eating by herself.

She still has somewhat of a tic in her neck. Other times, she is peaceful and calm, usually when sleeping. She often is alert- standing with her neck all the way outstretched, her eyes wide and seems to be listening very attentively.

I do believe she is fully blind. I also think she puts up a fuss at feeding time because she doesn't see my fingers coming for her beak and they touch her eyes accidentally which hurts her.. I didn't realize this until I actually saw my finger touch her eyes (she moves her head a lot when feeding time comes) and she peeped loudly and squirmed harder. SO, feeding is not going well at all because she doesn't see my fingers coming to blink. I suppose there will be all sorts of struggles along the way like this until she matures. She also does not like water and with her being blind I haven't figured out a safe way to give her a dish or present it to her so that she can drink safely. She's fattened up a bit- not as roly poly as her hatch mates and behind in growth a bit, but she has lots of energy now. She is very difficult to hold, but she likes to snuggle. I would say its her favorite thing to do, other than actually finding some food when pecking and scratching.

Most of the time she either sits or stands with her eyes open. I am concerned she is lonely. I try to take some more time to pet and snuggle with her and talk to her but I think it would be better if I had a few other chicks her age in there with her. I do believe now that she has something called A.E. (Avian Encephalitis) because she has almost all the symptoms. (tremor is one of them which I didn't mention because I thought she was just scared from being so ill) I read this is contagious through fecal matter, so I can't put her back with the other chicks right now. I will have to find out how to know when she is over being contagious..... Or will she always be a carrier and danger to the flock? I heard if she gets through it she will be immune. She will be two weeks old tomorrow.

Anyway, she is doing ok. I am concerned about her growth being slowed. I would suppose she is still in some danger of not making it, but she's been one peppy chick ever since we got the feeding thing figured out and she got regular full meals.

I'll continue to update just for educational purposes.
Ok entertainment ideas for a lonely chick...brace yourself because I'm a bit of an expert on this topic lol. Here's a list of things I tried with Happy. Some were successful some not.
A shallow bowl of dirt to scratch and dust bath (he hated it and still has an aversion to getting dirty!)
A dug up piece of sod (a huge hit-he grass bathed only until he was 6 months old)
A mirror (if she can see at all you will know quickly as Happy was glued to it for hours)
A bell or small wind chime hanging so she can peck it
A bit of shredded cheese
A small cat ball with bells in it
Big pieces of pine shavings (I use this as coop bedding and found out by accident that Happy loved to pick these up and move them around)
Leaves or a leaf of lettuce
Stuffed animal
Cat kibbles (his all time favourite to scratch and fling around)
A blanket piled up to climb
Hair elastics - the thick covered ones (he would beat these up like he thought they were worms lol)
Last but not least....hubby bought him a baby's piano toy. Embarrassing to admit that now lol. He pecked at the keys to make as much noise as he could. It's no wonder the poor boy isn't normal!
Hope you can find something useful. Bless your heart for all the care you've given your little one.
How is he doing now? Sadly I hatched a little chick just like him - bulgy eyes, not eating/drinking, walks backwards, loses balance, and seems to have very bad vision. :( She is 2 days old. I will try the b vitamins and selenium, is that all you supplemented with to help him?

Thanks so much for your time!
Oh he’s totally healthy, still with us! I’m sorry to hear about your little chick. Getting through those first weeks of illness are the most challenging. Her issues sound a bit different than Chibbs. I did gave chicks that had similar issues as to what you say here. Getting them chick vitamins is absolutely crucial. You can find that at most poultry stores. i’m concerned about the bulgy eyes..do you have a photo of them?
I just realized this was written some time ago. I hope your chick is ok. I haven’t been on the boards lately and just saw your comment.
Thanks BoomChickPop for your reply. I realize she may not last long, but I'm going to give it my best. She's a darling little thing.

In the meantime, I have been searching... I did find something that sounded like it... 'stargazing'... only her neck does not go back all the way or even point up or back.. She can't seem to hold her head still- not that its violently shaking back and forth or anything, but sort of like what you'd find with someone that might have Parkinson's disease- that- and the fact she walks backwards only. She cant' walk forwards. She can hop forward a bit but then stops. In a word, she looks a bit drunk or dizzy all the time.

Anyway, this sounds like what it could be and some people said it might be treated with Thiamine (vit B12 I think?) and Vitamin E. Some said to just give her some Nutri-Drench.. and so that is what I did. Now its just a waiting game I suppose. I'm going to keep treating her to the nutri drench hourly see if that helps. (Its watered down a lot of course)

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