Just Joined


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Good morning everyone, I'm brand new on the scene. I don't even have chickens or a coop yet, but have gotten myself all wound up to get started next spring. So in the meantime I've found myself gathering lots of info, bookmarking lots of websites, and thus, joining this forum. I suspect there will be plenty of good ideas and knowledge to come by here. Looking forward to it all.
Welcome, and smart to do your research beforehand. Ask any and all questions cause chances are someone has had experience in that area. There will be ups and downs but very rewarding. Take care
came to the right place!!
Welcome! That is exactly how I started out- I was soo happy to find this site and by the time I ordered my first chicks I felt well prepared. There is so much good information here and the community is very willing to help. Good luck on your chicken ventures- as you'll quickly find out they are addicting and have much entertainment value
Thanks for the welcomes, I am quite excited. The girlfriend seems a little weary lol. But i'm sure she'll fall in love when she sees them for the first time ha. I currently have a buddy of mine helping me with the engineering of a fairly large coop and run that i'm hoping can be done before winter. Then I would have to decide if I should be getting chicks, or already grown chickens (there may be terminology for that). I like the idea of raising them right from chicks. But I suppose these concerns should be for a different post?

Welcome to BYC!

You have come to the right place for all the knowledge! I prefer to start with chicks. You can bond with them easier, they are tamer than adult birds and you know their history. Kind of like buying a used car. Chicks are not that hard to raise and grow pretty quickly. You will enjoy watching your babies grow. But adult birds are nice in the fact that they will start laying sooner. But you will have to work to tame them down since you did not raise them.

Stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of good reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry...


Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
I'll certainly check out the link twocrows. Thanks. As I mentioned earlier, I am hoping I can begin this whole adventure next spring. But was just thinking over, if I do get chicks in April, would they only be getting big and strong enough for the outdoor coop just as the cold winter months draw near. Or am I thinking wrong. Im sure the info I need is in your links, I'll go read. I guess I am just concerned that I would be putting them outdoors just as winter closes in, and fear I may shock the hell out of em. ha. though I have already read they are quite hardier than would be suspected.
Kelsie, your a Flock Master! How many are in your flock. Do most people who raise chickens for laying purposes gain enough extra eggs to sell, or is it mostly just a very enjoyable endeavor that keeps everyone so interested.

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