Just need help with a few :) Pics uploaded


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2018
So these sweet babies were a "predator resistant" (ha, they just look at em) value pack from an online retailer.
Now that they have some size to them, I'm trying to figure out breeds and gender!
Lets go!

1. Little blacks ( I call em my crows) with some white feathering
2. Fayoumi (is that a hen and rooster?)
3. Red/Black with color variations - No idea of breed but I assume hen and rooster?
4. Black (hen or roo?) it doesn't have as much white as the others but they all have had terrible looking heads with little feathers, they're just getting them on their head.
5 & 6 - Is he a rooster? I ordered from a local farm supply 1 roo and 10 hens but I believe I have two roos, just wanted to check?)

2018-10-26 08.29.14.jpg
2018-10-26 08.32.12.jpg
2018-10-26 08.33.24.jpg
They are 4 months old, the listing didn't specify breeds just said that they were predator resistant and would run at the first site of a predator (if I based on that, I'd say I was duped HA)
According to the breed possibilities listed on the website, here's what I think you might have:

#1. Black Old English Games - likely cockerels for the ones I can see combs on.
#2. Egyptian Fayoumis - first is a cockerel, second is a pullet.
#3. How much white on these guys? Are they spangled? Until I know, I'm going to guess Brown Leghorn. All are cockerels except bottom right.
#4. Black Old English Game pullet.
#5 & 6. Barred Rock cockerel.
#7. Partridge Cochin pullet.


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