I caught some of the Girls eating snow off the leaves today and my 14 week old Barred Rock boy sparring with the Blue Orp cockerels through the fence-guess they're the only ones on this place that don't intimidate him, LOL. Zane is looking more manly these days with his saddle feathers finally coming in better and his many crowing attempts. Got a shot of him with his dad, Hawkeye, in the picture, facing the same direction. Poor plucked Hawkeye-don't look at that; his one woman Olivia plucks his saddle feathers as they grow in and Meg pecks on his comb and wattles. He's just too good to those girls! I believe Zane will look more like Hawkeye than Gabriel does, don't you, Ga Chicken Mom? He's of a more stocky-type build.