Keeping house clean


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2018
How to put my four ducks in with my 30 chickens because there were raccoons in the duck pen and I didn't want anything bad to happen to them. The problem I'm having is the Ducks are completely messy and they spread the food and water everywhere. I have recently had to put their food and water inside where they sleep because the weather is getting cold. They play in the water... I go through about 8 gallons of water a day because I think the ducks like to play in it and splash it everywhere. Does anyone have any ideas how I can possibly keep their sleeping area clean winter is coming and I am getting worried about this. This is my first time ever having chickens and ducks.
First, coffee comes in plastic jugs anymore. They are deep enough for the ducks to get their heads in there.
Second, if you want to keep using a rubber bowl, add a brick in the middle. The edges stay deep enough for the ducks, but they cannot get in to bathe. Even if they sit on the brick (my four never have), they can’t make a big mess.
Next idea is cutting a hole in a gallon jug. They can only stick in their head. Remove the cap in case they somehow get stuck. It will give them air.
Build a frame for your bowls. The frame only needs to have a top that covers half the bowl.
Unfortunately that's what ducks do. Chickens can end up with frostbite from all the water and moisture, so that's another concern if you are where it freezes.
Why do you have to put it in the sleeping area?
I would never put water in a coop and especially wouldn't in the winter time. Moisture inside the coop in the winter is a chickens enemy.
No ideas about a way to water them. I've always found if they can get their bill in enough to drink then they will make a mess of it.
Oh! You can also try keeping the water on a wire rack over a roasting pan. :lol: It might even scare the ducks into behaving or you’ll roast them!
I love straw in the coop best. It keeps water from freezing so fast in the winter.
:hugs I have had the ducks in with the chickens for three years now. I think I’ve given you all the tricks. See which is doable for you.

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