Keeping the coop warm in the winter, HOW?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 11, 2014
United Kingdom
My Coop
My Coop
am new to this so am not too sure what to do, i live in UK and it can get cold here at night, would a heat lamp help? i have a normal chicken coop fits about 10 hens i got 10 in there. i am going to be changing this coop and getting a 6x4 shed so i can walk in and have easy access to the coop.

what would be the best way to keep them warm.

This is my coop.
A larger coop will definitely be a very good idea! The one in the picture also needs some ventilation. I know it sounds counter productive but they do need good ventilation even in cold weather. Some vents near the peak, maybe front and back would help allow moisture and any ammonia fumes to escape. I would definitely NOT use a heat lamp, especially in such a small coop as they will overheat quickly and fires are always a danger. Chickens handle cold weather extremely well as long as they have protection from wind/rain/snow.
A larger coop will definitely be a very good idea! The one in the picture also needs some ventilation. I know it sounds counter productive but they do need good ventilation even in cold weather. Some vents near the peak, maybe front and back would help allow moisture and any ammonia fumes to escape. I would definitely NOT use a heat lamp, especially in such a small coop as they will overheat quickly and fires are always a danger. Chickens handle cold weather extremely well as long as they have protection from wind/rain/snow.
x2 I live where it gets very cold in the winter and don't heat my coop. Your chickens will grow more feathers and acclimate just fine to the cold. They do need ventilation. Humidity is what causes cold chickens and frostbite, and at higher temperatures than a well ventilated, unheated coop. Cold and dry is much better than warm and humid.
Thank you guys.

i will bare that in mind am still new to all this so i thought i would ask on here, as everyone on here is very friendly and helpful.

thanks guys.
Do you have cold hardy chickens? I hope you do..

You can put a ceramic heat bulb 250w in their coop house. It gives no light or UV but it does give heat.
Think dry, not warm. One needs ventilation to let moist air out, and dry, moisture absorbing bedding to dry up the droppings. Lower the roosts so that there is ample room above their heads, and position the roosts so that the bird is not close to the wall. These will keep your birds drier.

Dry birds are warm birds, damp or wet birds are cold birds.

Mrs K

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