Kiki's Fresh Freaky Friday Fun Fudge Fantastic-ness

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Yep! Hornpuss!

and y’all probably thought I made that up, didn’t y’all. 🤣
I should post a picture of my "baby pout." My facial muscles never really lost the ability to do that extreme pout that little kids do -- the one where it looks like a very curved parentheses on its side -- so I can still pull off an impressive pout, though it does hurt after a few seconds.
The face really amuses my family, for some reason.
Do it!!
I embraced the pirate...nah, I just stopped brushing it and let it lock up. Saves time and I do not at all miss all the random hair everywhere. Do you know the feeling when your butt crack eats a stray hair and it’s tickling so you grab it, but then you feel it slide up from waaay down your crack and there is nothing else to do but keep pulling?? My hair was really long.
You kill me Dukn Duck.
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