Kiki's Friday Night EXPLOSION....ENDS TONIGHT July 8th

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I tried. I was almost too sweaty to get into the jeans and I was late to class.

That's exhausting. Just use leftover conditioner and go to town.
I use conditioner for shaving. Shave everyday and you won’t have to be surgical about it. My legs are a hack job but a person can hardly tell! The spots I miss will get taken care of the next day. Also spend your dollars on a good razor. I use Harry’s and one blade will last me months. I wipe it with alcohol when finished to prevent rusting.
Wait..... was Tessie saying to use the conditioner for shaving too!? I thought she was joking and saying to just forget shaving, condition it, and let it grow :lau 🙈

But everyday!? OMG!!! :th

And yeah I’ve been doing that lately haha I used to just use the Gillette or schich ones or whatever, the good kind, which were pretty good, but I bought the Harry’s ones last year when I overheard some girl say men’s razors work better and are cheaper haha
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I’m going to assume that it’s not supposed to be blank. There were a few posts of yours last night that were blank on my end as well. It’s probably my phone being lame. It always is.
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