Kiki's Friday Night EXPLOSION....ENDS TONIGHT July 8th

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@007Sean is it late, or too late, in the year for Blue Scale Quail to start a new nest? DH sent me a photo yesterday of a lone quail here in the yard, first one we've seen all year, and he said the bird sat on the barbed wire fence on the W property line "hollering" (which I take to mean crowing), so I wondered if it's a male whose mate is sitting on a nest in the pasture west of us. It seems really late but maybe not? I suppose they've plenty of time to raise them before it gets cold here, I thought maybe you would know whether it's late for them.
Idk, it is a little late in the season. It was probably calling to find another but not for mating...both male and female call is alike! In other words the same burk-burr call.
I threw my fit and hot over with it...yes.
Let's see how the next one starts off.
I was wondering when I finally caught up on the weekend events if there might be less “issue” if we took turns “hosting” the party thread (keep ‘em guessing 🤣). but it just wouldn’t have the same pizazz as the now iconic even legendary @Kiki parties!!!
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